Gamescape Mini Battles


In 2007, I started hosting monthly games of Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures, at my friend’s game store, Gamescape in San Rafael. Each month I would write up a little theme for the game, and to help get the word out I’d send out a little missive on the Gamescape newsletter. It quickly got out of hand, with me coming up with ridiculous backstories for the game. Here are a few of those messages.

April 2007: “Throwin’ Down the Gauntlet!”

May 2007 – Blood Sport!

June 2007 –  City of the Outcasts!

July 2007 – “The Great Escape!”

August 2007 – “Rampage!

September 2007 – ‘Hengefolk!

October 2007 – Dead Man’s Party!

November 2007 – Tavern Riot

December 2007 –  For a Few Goblins More!

January 2008 – Mum’s the Word!

February 2008 – Reach Out and Cleave Someone!

April 2008  – Pit Pals!

May 2008 –  Sally 4th!

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